Hi! My name is Matthew Fabian, and I am a senior studying Computer Engineering with a minor in Engineering Corporate Practice. I’m from sunny Buffalo, NY originally, and I’ve spent the past four years living in Alumni Hall. I came to Notre Dame with the intention of studying Electrical Engineering, but changed majors a few days into my junior year. As a fun side effect of that, I’ll be one of the first people to graduate following the new CSE curriculum. Outside of the classroom, I spend most of my time playing handbells.

There are two main goals I have for this class. First, I want to solidify beliefs or opinions that I already have on topics relating to ethics. While I have a general idea of what I believe and why I believe it, I’ve never spent much time researching these topics and understanding the nuances of possibly controversial issues. Sencond, I want to change my mind. I don’t know about what, specifically, but I want to have my beliefs challenged in a way that effects how I view ethics and their impact on my career and life.

One of the most pressing ethical issues facing Computer Scientists and Engineers is automation. How will my actions in the next thirty or so years directly or indirectly affect the careers of others? I would also be interested in discussing the ethical issues related to privacy, security, and anonymity this semester.